
Fame Street receives regular submissions from casting directors, film makers, TV studios and many other individuals and companies looking to post their castings onto our website.

Fame Street® vets all articles, postings, auditions and jobs that are uploaded onto our platform. Fame Street® has a points based system to determine if we publish a listing based on it's authenticity, quality, legitimacy and a whole host of other measures to keep you safe and to uphold the integrity of the platform. Our team is dedicated to keeping you safe and we reject way more submissions than we post. Fame Street® receives castings, auditions and jobs from various sources including the following:

Industry professionals
Films and TV shows are constantly being produced worldwide from short student productions to full length feature films and Fame Street is a popular choice for casting directors to post their opportunities onto. Fame Street has built a great reputation over the past 10 years and has become the 'go to' platform for many industry professionals seeking fresh talent for their projects. The bulk of our castings come direct from the film industry.

On the trail
We also have a small team of people stationed across the globe who are 'in the know' and spend their time tracking down amazing opportunities and auditions to post onto Fame Street®. Our team constantly track down very hard to find opportunities through a combination of detective work, real world contacts, sheer persistence, determination and by scanning through a very large pile of newspapers and magazines each week.

Stumble upon
We have a small army of online volunteers including Facebook and Twitter fans that inform us as soon as they spot an opportunity that may be suitable for us. These can range from a local singing competition to a student film right up to a major movie that needs some film extras and actors. All it needs to do is pass our quality threshold and vetting procedure and then its posted on the website for you to apply to.

TV Channels
We receive opportunities from film and TV companies from around the world on a regular basis. Fame Street® is trusted and respected within the entertainment industry and this is why TV production companies choose to use Fame Street.

From the public
Lots of the casting calls on Fame Street come from people just like you! Maybe you're a film maker or are looking to put together the next big pop group. You can post an opportunity onto Fame Street totally free!
